Ball sector valves, ball segment valves, ball valves
Here you find all our ball sector valves, ball segment and ball valves with different drives and positioners.
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High accuracy and reliability are very important in the paper production process. Paper must always have the same properties, be it strength, sheet thickness, weight, color, roughness. To ensure these constant properties, it is necessary to automate the manufacturing process in stock preparation and in the approach flow system. One of the important components are valves, which are used to control the production process. Neles, but also Somas and Schubert and Salzer have developed valves for this - so-called control valves. Ball segment valves and ball sector valves with pneumatic actuators and electro-pneumatic positioners are mainly used. Neles calls these ball sector valves R1L or RAA. Used Neles control valves are available in large quantities from us. We also deliver refurbished used Neles control ball valves and used Neles control butterfly valves. We provide a 6 month mechanical guarantee from the date of delivery for used Neles ball segment valves that have been overhauled by us. We have used and second hand NELCONT3000 basis weight valves in stock. These are ball segment valves or ball sector valves with an electric servomotor and very precise positioner ND100S2.